Stone Age (Dub)
An animated adaptation of the mobile game of the same name. Each episode is composed of two stories. The story is set in the future, after the destruction of machine civilization which leaves humans in a more primitive state. Dinosaurs, woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers, etc. roam free, as their species were brought back to life and modified to be friendlier thanks to cloning fossil samples during the machine civilization era. Children can become Stone Leaders by having one of these creatures as a "pet" which they can do friendly battles with against others.
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch anime
Stone Age (Dub), DUB online. You can also watch
Stone Age (Dub) in HD or SD quality.
An animated adaptation of the mobile game of the same name. Each episode is composed of two stories. The story is set in the future, after the destruction of machine civilization which leaves humans in a more primitive state. Dinosaurs, woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers, etc. roam free, as their species were brought back to life and modified to be friendlier thanks to cloning fossil samples during the machine civilization era. Children can become Stone Leaders by having one of these creatures as a "pet" which they can do friendly battles with against others.
Other names: Stone Age, 스톤에이지
Language: Dubbed
Episodes: 52 / 52
Views: 4,745
Last Added: 2021-07-16 22:50:14
Release Year: 2017
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch
anime Stone Age (Dub), DUB online. You can also watch
Stone Age (Dub) in HD or SD quality.