Ef a Tale of Memories
The story revolves around the protagonist Hirono Hiro, a poor high school boy who draws shoujo manga for his living. One cold Christmas night after meeting a very strange woman in a church, who tells him that he's going to meet someone he has to meet, his bike gets stolen by another strange girl.
He runs after her and finds her collapsed on the street. Her name is Miyamura Miyako and her bag got stolen by a man on a motorbike. Soon after, they start hanging out together, enjoying highschool life. Miyako falls for Hiro pretty quickly but naturally finds a rival in his childhood friend, Shindou Kei, who has been dictating Hiro's life since ever.
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Ef a Tale of Memories, SUB online. You can also watch
Ef a Tale of Memories in HD or SD quality.
The story revolves around the protagonist Hirono Hiro, a poor high school boy who draws shoujo manga for his living. One cold Christmas night after meeting a very strange woman in a church, who tells him that he's going to meet someone he has to meet, his bike gets stolen by another strange girl.
He runs after her and finds her collapsed on the street. Her name is Miyamura Miyako and her bag got stolen by a man on a motorbike. Soon after, they start hanging out together, enjoying highschool life. Miyako falls for Hiro pretty quickly but naturally finds a rival in his childhood friend, Shindou Kei, who has been dictating Hiro's life since ever.
Other names: ef - a tale of memories.
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12 / 12
Views: 2,057
Last Added: 2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year: 2007
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch
anime Ef a Tale of Memories, SUB online. You can also watch
Ef a Tale of Memories in HD or SD quality.