The anime follows the daily life of PuniRunes — mysterious creatures who love to be coddled — and Yuka, a fourth-grade girl who loves soft, squishy things
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch anime
Punirunes, SUB online. You can also watch
Punirunes in HD or SD quality.
The anime follows the daily life of PuniRunes — mysterious creatures who love to be coddled — and Yuka, a fourth-grade girl who loves soft, squishy things
Other names: ぷにるんず
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 25
Views: 3,789
Last Added: 2023-03-26 10:49:12
Release Year: 2022
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch
anime Punirunes, SUB online. You can also watch
Punirunes in HD or SD quality.