The series follows the daily lives of a naughty female cat named Azuki and a quiet male cat named Daizu who live with their owner, a 30 year old office lady, and her extended family, including an otaku elder brother and an adopted shiba inu dog who thinks he's a cat.
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch anime
Mameneko, SUB online. You can also watch
Mameneko in HD or SD quality.
The series follows the daily lives of a naughty female cat named Azuki and a quiet male cat named Daizu who live with their owner, a 30 year old office lady, and her extended family, including an otaku elder brother and an adopted shiba inu dog who thinks he's a cat.
Other names: まめねこ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12 / 12
Views: 1,131
Last Added: 2022-02-10 09:26:53
Release Year: 2018
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch
anime Mameneko, SUB online. You can also watch
Mameneko in HD or SD quality.