Set at the end of the Edo (Tokugawa Shoganate) era, the series depicts Cloud's family with his wife, Turtle, their 11-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter. The Clouds are always ignoring work and playing. Cloud is notorious for womanising.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch anime
Haguregumo, SUB online. You can also watch
Haguregumo in HD or SD quality.
Set at the end of the Edo (Tokugawa Shoganate) era, the series depicts Cloud's family with his wife, Turtle, their 11-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter. The Clouds are always ignoring work and playing. Cloud is notorious for womanising.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Other names: Wandering Clouds, 浮浪雲
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 1 / 1
Views: 887
Last Added: 2017-11-28 18:31:50
Release Year: 1982
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch
anime Haguregumo, SUB online. You can also watch
Haguregumo in HD or SD quality.