Dame x Prince Anime Caravan
The story follows Ani, a princess from the minor nation of Inako. Ani is sent to the signing ceremony that will bring peace to the rival nations of Mildonia, a mighty military country, and Selenfaren, a powerful theocracy. Ani is supposed to help steer the signing ceremony along, but she runs into trouble when she encounters a handful of obstinate princes.
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch anime
Dame x Prince Anime Caravan, SUB online. You can also watch
Dame x Prince Anime Caravan in HD or SD quality.
The story follows Ani, a princess from the minor nation of Inako. Ani is sent to the signing ceremony that will bring peace to the rival nations of Mildonia, a mighty military country, and Selenfaren, a powerful theocracy. Ani is supposed to help steer the signing ceremony along, but she runs into trouble when she encounters a handful of obstinate princes.
Other names: ダメプリ ANIME CARAVAN
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12 / 12
Views: 922
Last Added: 2018-03-28 12:55:16
Release Year: 2018
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch
anime Dame x Prince Anime Caravan, SUB online. You can also watch
Dame x Prince Anime Caravan in HD or SD quality.