Akkun to Kanojo
The romantic comedy follows the everyday life of an extremely tsundere (initially aloof and abrasive, but later kind-hearted) boy named Atsuhiro "Akkun" Kagari and his girlfriend Non "Nontan" Katagiri. Akkun's behavior is harsh toward Nontan with verbal abuse and neglect, but he actually is head-over-heels for her and habitually acts like a stalker by tailing her or eavesdropping. Nontan is oblivious to Akkun's stalker ways, and thinks his actions are cute.
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Akkun to Kanojo, SUB online. You can also watch
Akkun to Kanojo in HD or SD quality.
The romantic comedy follows the everyday life of an extremely tsundere (initially aloof and abrasive, but later kind-hearted) boy named Atsuhiro "Akkun" Kagari and his girlfriend Non "Nontan" Katagiri. Akkun's behavior is harsh toward Nontan with verbal abuse and neglect, but he actually is head-over-heels for her and habitually acts like a stalker by tailing her or eavesdropping. Nontan is oblivious to Akkun's stalker ways, and thinks his actions are cute.
Other names: Akkun and His Girlfriend, あっくんとカノジョ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 25 / 25
Views: 2,932
Last Added: 2018-09-20 23:21:26
Release Year: 2018
Ani-Wave is a great site to watch
anime Akkun to Kanojo, SUB online. You can also watch
Akkun to Kanojo in HD or SD quality.